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Sustainability in a Resource-Based Economy context

Sustainability has the following specific meanings when invoked or applied within a context of Resource-Based Economy:

  • homeostatic environment
  • methods or processes which are expected, according to the most updated scientific knowledge, not to pollute the Natural environment
  • social practices that are expected, according to the most updated scientific knoeledge, not to disrupt social peace and balance

Examples of unsustainable practices

The following is a short list of examples to illustrate activities which are not considered sustainable within a frame of reference of a Resoure-Based Economy:

  • population growth (global)
  • pollution of natural habitats (i.e. disrupting ecosystems), e.g. dumping waste on a river, factory farming
  • pollution of the atmosphere with gasses and particles that are not commonly found in Natural pristine environments
  • using non-renewable resources, or using them at a rate greater than their natural renewal rate, e.g. fossil fuels, fisheries
  • profit and property, e.g. law, money
  • violating the city's terms and conditions, e.g. exposing oneself nude in public if that had deemed not allowed in the city
  • abuse and manipulation, e.g. sociopath behaviours, lying, emotional or physical abuse (especially of children)
  • violence, e.g. war, pysical or verbal abuse
  • blame, e.g. punishment, refusal to take personal responsibility, identify and discriminate problematic individuals as opposed to problematic behaviours, revenge, spite
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