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The country is relatively cheap. If we can settle in an area that has glassfiber, internet would cost virtually nothing. Building the solar tower might very well be 10-30% cheaper because of lower labor costs. Romania has the fastest internet network of Europe.

Romania is hit hard by the financial crisis. We should do what we can to help the local community.

Winters can be cold. The mass concept of earthships might give us some relief.

Wide forests

Romania is not to densely populated and has got a lot of forest. Forests provide cooling due to their capacity to hold water. 47% of the country is covered by natural or semi natural ecosystems.

Spread out settlement

Settlement would be spread out, so people would have space.


Hunting is allowed in certain parts in Romania, the forests are so vast that the ecosystem can support some hunting. Hunting would provide the opportunity for people to go back to their roots, it would be mentally engaging. Hunted food would taste good and be healthy.

Hunting would not use guns:

  • not sustainable (too effective)
  • too easy
  • too dangerous

Communication technology

A business satellite subscription could provide internet in remote areas and save cost by buying in bulk.

Glassfiber is very cheap: 150Mbps = 10 EUR / month<ref></ref>

Wifi is available at campings and vacation parks <>


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