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(Monetary cost)
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100,000 - 1,000,000 for land
100,000 - 1,000,000 for land
Cost of maintenance 40 years: +- 4,000,000 USD <ref> http://www.architecture.mit.edu/sites/all/files/attachments/lecture/SolarUpdraftTower_Project.pdf </ref>
Cost of maintenance 40 years: +- 1,000,000 USD <ref> http://www.architecture.mit.edu/sites/all/files/attachments/lecture/SolarUpdraftTower_Project.pdf </ref>

Revision as of 11:51, 26 February 2013

Energy can be saved through sharing appliances (for instance by using a beamer to watch film and television). Energy plays an important part in automation.


Energy generation


Solar updraft tower <ref>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_updraft_tower</ref>

+ Low maintenance cost.

+ Uses greenhouses that can be used for agriculture.

-Takes in a relatively large amount of space.

-Solar has a variable output.

Solar power tower

+Desalinizes water.

+Contains a furnace (that can be used for melting iron for instance).

-Solar has a variable output.

Energy use

  • Beamer

100-300 Watts. Can provide for +- 100 people. Per person: 2 Watt.<ref> http://www.energieverbruikers.nl/categorie/28/Beeld+en+geluid/Beamers </ref>

  • Small led television

57 Watt. Per person: 14-57 Watt.<ref> http://www.consumentenbond.nl/test/elektronica-communicatie/tv-en-video/televisies/extra/energieverbruik-tv/ </ref>

  • Xbox

185 Watts <ref> http://tweakers.net/nieuws/46446/energieverbruik-xbox-360-ps3-wii-vergeleken.html </ref>

  • Wii

18 Watts<ref> http://tweakers.net/nieuws/46446/energieverbruik-xbox-360-ps3-wii-vergeleken.html </ref>

  • Desktop (with peripherals):

60-250 Watts<ref>http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/computers.html </ref>

  • Laptop:

40 Watts<ref>http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/computers.html </ref>

  • Netbook:

16 Watts<ref>http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/computers.html </ref>

  • Tablet (Ipad2)

1-3 Watts <ref>http://armdevices.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/nextgen_pixelqi_display.jpg </ref>

  • Iphone

Less than tablet<ref> http://cdn.macrumors.com/article-new/2012/09/iphone_5_energy_use_compared.jpg</ref>

  • Amplifier

40 Watts and up <ref>http://www.energieverbruikers.nl/categorie/195/2/Versterkers</ref>

  • DVD player

10 Watts and up

  • Nanolight (100W equivalent, 30,000 hours)

12 Watts <ref> http://www.thenanolight.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=38&Itemid=207 </ref>

  • Led lamp (50-60W equivalent, 50,000 hours)

6 Watts <ref> http://www.ledlampendirect.nl/led-e27-lamp-230-volt-6-watt-vervangt-50-60-watt-gloeilamp.html </ref>

  • Washing machine

0,81kwh/wash average 9 year average 500 EUR<ref>https://forum.www.trosradar.nl/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=125783 </ref> (If 10 people share one machine: 36 years = 200 EUR per person)

  • Dishwasher

175 Kwh <ref>http://www.nuon.nl/energie-besparen/artikelen-apparaten/verbruik-vaatwasser.jsp</ref>

  • Refrigerator

16 Watt <ref>http://www.greenem.nl/columns/2012/01/864/wat-kost-een-koelkast-per-jaar</ref>

Monetary cost

Solar updraft tower

5 USD per Watt, so 1 MW tower = 5 million USD <ref>http://climatetechwiki.org/technology/solar_towers</ref> (Schlaig 2005)

Collector diameter +- 750 meter = 400,000 m2 = 100 acre

Land price US +- 1,000 - 10,000 USD per acre

Argentina < 8,000 USD per acre <ref> http://www.laht.com/article.asp?CategoryId=14093&ArticleId=363225 </ref>

100,000 - 1,000,000 for land

Cost of maintenance 40 years: +- 1,000,000 USD <ref> http://www.architecture.mit.edu/sites/all/files/attachments/lecture/SolarUpdraftTower_Project.pdf </ref>

100 W capacity per settler when the sun is shining. This means using anything other than a tablet / smartphone is advised against. Watching television by yourself or with a handful of people should also not be a habit.

1 one MW solar plant will produce +- 0.25 MW average over a 24 hour day.<ref>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PS10_solar_power_plant</ref>


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