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Everybody is welcome to participate of The RBE10K Project. However, it is essential that all volunteers agree on a set of Terms and Conditions in order to have a positive (rather than a negative) participation. These Terms and Conditions are a work in progress, and will likely evolve and refine over time. Any requests for adding, removing or altering any of the items can be made by anyone directly using the Discussion tab at the header of the page.

It is paramount that participants of the project have a good understanding of a Resource-Based Economy. Such information can be found in this Wiki, in the Zeitgeist Moving Forward and Zeitgeist: Addendum films at [1], the Paradise or Oblivion film and other resources on [2], and in The Zeitgeist Movement's website [3]. For those who find objections to the RBE system it may be more adequate participating on other projects like Transition Towns, or even a political party or a church.

Agreements, or Terms and Conditions for participation in The RBE10K Project

Some of the wording below may have a special definition. Please refer to the #Glossary below.

Any activists willing to participate on the RBE10K Project should honestly agree with the great majority of the following:

  • I agree not to attempt to denature the core objectives of the RBE10K Project (i.e. a primitivist RBE experiment)
  • I want to help construct a future where every human being has their needs addressed, and is free from obligation
  • I want to help ensure that Humanity will no longer be a vector for environmental and ecological degradation and diversity reduction
  • I am sceptical of any claims for what is true, good, moral or ethical [4] [5]
  • I respect any adult individual's freedom for self-determination, even if I have reason to believe they're self-harming
  • I will protect, within my possibilities, any individual from another individual's physical or psychological abuse
  • I accept that my personal opinion is not any more relevant than any other individual's personal opinion in any given matter
  • I agree that the RBE10K Project must remain primarily evidence-based and submit to the scientific method of enquiry
  • I accept that anti-social behaviours are aberrant, and I choose to focus on solving the social or cultural trait that leads to such aberrant behaviour rather than punish the individual for it
  • I accept that despite individual differences in preferences, ideology, values and standards, all individuals are equal
  • I am willing to possess nothing but a few personal and sentimental items, and share what's available fairly
  • I agree not to claim ownership of any products of my physical or intellectual work, but rather provide it as a contribution to society
  • I agree that the concept of nations and races are contrivances and have no merit or relevance in a RBE
  • I agree to accept the wisdom of the collective (i.e. overwhelming consensus) even when I personally disagree with a decision


  • RBE participant: humans on Earth who voluntarily seek and accept living in a RBE.
  • Health: physical and psychological health of any or all RBE participants.
  • Personal belongings: what one carries, holds personal information, is stored in a labelled bag, or is generally accepted as such.
  • RBE Goals: needs or goals of one's community, and to some extent the needs or goals of the RBE community at large, generally about health matters.
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